What should I expect from this procedure?
- Your provider has recommended a surgical procedure. These instructions will help you prepare for your operation. Please note, depending on the clinical situation, your provider may choose to close the wound with sutures or leave the wound open to heal by itself.
- If your excision was sutured, you may need to return to the office at a future date for removal of the sutures. Please make the suture removal appointment in the office immediately after your surgery.
- When your pathology results are available, you will be contacted. Additional treatments may be recommended.
- For all surgical days, we recommend that you bring a companion who can drive you home from the surgery.
What should I do on the morning of my surgery?
- Take a full-body shower with soap on the morning of surgery and wear freshly laundered clothes to help reduce the chance of infection. If applicable, please refrain from using makeup or lotions.
If the surgical procedure will be above your waist, wear a shirt or blouse that buttons up the front.
- Have a regular breakfast.
- If you normally wear contacts, it would be better to wear glasses on the day of surgery due to potential swelling around the eyes. Please note, however, that depending on the location of your surgery, the bandage might prevent you from wearing glasses. To minimize inconvenience, it is recommended that all patients (even those without glasses or contacts) arrange for a ride home.
- Do not wear jewelry in areas of your body that are near the surgical site.
If you require pre-operative antibiotics, take them 1 hour prior to your scheduled surgical time.
- When applicable, follow any additional instructions your surgeon may have given you during your pre-surgery consultation.
How long will I be in the office?
- You should expect to be in the office about 45 minutes to 1 hour, possibly longer if more than one lesion is being excised.
Should I stop taking my medications?
- If you are on a blood-thinning medication that requires INR testing (such as Warfarin or Coumadin), please be sure to complete the INR testing no more than 7 days in advance of your excision. Results must be less than 3.0. No surgeries will be conducted on patients above 3.0
- Take all of your normal medications the morning of the surgery, unless otherwise directed.
- If a doctor has placed you on Aspirin, Coumadin or Plavix for medical reasons, please continue to take the medication.
- Unless prescribed by a doctor for medical purposes, do not take any of the following medicines for 7-10 days prior to surgery: Aspirin, Vitamin E, Fish Oil/Omega 3, flax seed oil, and some herbal medications and/or herbal supplement, including garlic. Also avoid Ibuprofen products (Advil, Motrin) and naproxen (Aleve).
- These drugs decrease clotting ability and may lead to more bleeding and bruising. If these drugs are taken for medicinal or quality of life needs (such as pain from arthritis), they may be continued.
Additional Pre-Op Instructions
- Avoid consuming alcohol 48 hours before and after the surgery. This may cause increased bleeding.
- You will be sent home with a freshly sutured wound. Please follow all aftercare instructions, as well as any additional instructions provided by your surgeon.